Welcome to Kingo!
Lack of access to energy and connectivity are formidable barriers to human progress in developing countries.
Over 1 billion people still lack access to modern energy services, and billions more lack internet connectivity.
Reliable energy and internet open the doors to improved healthcare, education and economic opportunities.
We go where nobody else goes!
Kingo is a technology startup that provides affordable clean energy and connectivity solutions to people and small businesses in off-the-grid (OTG) communities in Guatemala and Colombia. We design and operate high-uptime systems that provide last-mile service in remote and areas where traditional wired infrastructure is too challenging or costly to deploy.
We serve approximately 700 communities with an aggregate population of 250,000 people, mostly subsistence-level farmers living at the so-called “bottom of the pyramid.”
Kingo turns lives on!
Kingo uses internet-of-things (IoT) technology to enable consumer goods and financial services companies expand to OTG areas. We also make it possible for OTG communities to have access to education, healthcare and other basic services for the first time.